GT1 meeting (2020): the measurements of the Giant Monopole Resonance and their interpretation and importance

November 25-26, 2020

IJClab, Orsay – converted to a fully on-line meeting by zoom (the link will be send to the registered participants)

In the framework of Working Group 1 (GT1) of the French initiative for Nuclear Physics GDR RESANET ( we are organizing a workshop on the measurements of the GMR and their interpretation and importance. We will review the ongoing theoretical and experimental activity on the subject and discuss about future studies. The workshop will consist in short talks and extended discussion periods. Some of the questions to be addressed are:
· What does one learn about Nuclear Physics from the recent GMR measurements?
· What are the experimental uncertainties on the position of the GMR?
· How do these uncertainties project on the parameters of the equation of state?
· Do soft monopole modes exist and what do they teach us?
· What are the most pertinent nuclei and experimental techniques for future measurements?

A preliminary program can be found at If you plan to participate please register at this site before Nov. 18.

Looking forward to welcoming you,
The organizers: Yorick Blumenfeld (IJCLab), Elias Khan (IJCLab), Marine Vandebrouck (CEA Irfu/DPhN)